Does anyone actually know the answer to this question?
I'm still trying to figure this out, for as i can see from the life experience i've had so far it just all seems to be a life full of unhappy people, wars, pain, tears and heartbreak!
Yes sure there is joy to but it's generally short lived before something or someone comes along to ruin it all!
If any of you have any theories on this then do have you your say and enlighten me!!!

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Sunday a day of Gardening!

After all the really bad weather we've been having lately my garden has grown so much that it resembled a forest! I decided that it needed a well earned trim, with all the growing its has been doing! My friends Brian and Mandy came over this afternoon and while Mandy was surfing the net Brian kindly spent the afternoon cutting down all the overgrown weeds and grass.

Once finished with the front garden Brian then moved onto the back! Even the patio didn't escape Brians clutches.

My garden has never looked so good so thank you Brian you worked so hard to make it look good for me, i just need to keep on top of it all now with my strimmer now working what excuse do i have!!!! It finally looks like garden!!!!!

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