First up is the ever so wonderful Marrisa and her husband Michael they live in New Zealand and i miss them everyday of my life! Even though they are far away they are always there for me no matter what!
Then we have gorgeous Bethany she is the daughter of Marrisa and Michael, she is a beautiful gem!
Then we have the wonderful Sarah, she makes my day and is a fantastic friend always there to listen and come running when i'm having my bad days i couldn't ask for a better friend.Then we have Sally apart from Marrisa whom i've known 12 years i have known Sally the longest and we both been through alot together and i would be so lost without her in my life! You give the best advice a girl could ever want babe!
Next up is Hayley i don't really know what to say about her as it would all be lies! lol just kidding. Hayley you can always count on to be very forth coming with her advice and speaks her mind i have great appreciation for her honesty she makes me laugh more than she ever knows he he!!
Finally there is the ever so nutty Keelie as you can see from the picture she likes a laugh she has a fab sense of humor and always cracks me up in whatever she does! She has the best free spirit in a person i've ever known!
So there we have you all in one place. You all have special meaning to me in different ways, but i do love you all and i am proud and glad that are all in my life i truely wouldn't know what to do without you all.
I have left 2 people out that mean more to me than anything in the world they are the best friends i will ever have in my life and they are my Mam and Dad I love you!I wrote you all a poem!!!
There's nothing as nice as someone who shares, your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares, someone who's there through your good times and tears, who stays by your side as your friend through the years, A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift, A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place!!!!
Hello you!
Well what a lovely suprise to see our faces on your blog, and thank you so much for the beautiful mention. You are such a star and you know how much we love you and how proud we are of you.
I absolutely love your blog and being able to see whats going on in your world. I love it, love it, love it!
Keep posting on anything and everything, its fantastic, just like the Palmer Family xxx
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