Does anyone actually know the answer to this question?
I'm still trying to figure this out, for as i can see from the life experience i've had so far it just all seems to be a life full of unhappy people, wars, pain, tears and heartbreak!
Yes sure there is joy to but it's generally short lived before something or someone comes along to ruin it all!
If any of you have any theories on this then do have you your say and enlighten me!!!

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Funny things cats!!!

I'm not sure if any of you are aware that i love cats? Well i adore them, i find there antics so funny and when i found this on you tube i just couldn't resist sharing it with you!!

I even followed Boots around one day to find out that he is just as nuts as the rest of the cats on you tube!!! Even Lily has her mad moments and she is the kind of cat that would rather just lay down and do nothing but sleep all day or just find a box some where and hide!!!

Boots even climbs into the car before we leave on a journey expecting us to take him with us i unfortunatly don't have a picture of this, but i will soon i promise you! He even waits for our return and jumps back in so as for us to not leave again!! And if all else fails lays under the car!!! What a muppet!!!!!!!

My Lily does love a box or anything she can find to hide! Even to the point of hiding under Stephanie's bed covers!!!

As you can see my cats are just as daft as the next, but i do love them and they do make me laugh alot! As daft as they can be they are lap cats and will come over and sit and force their head in your hand for a good old fuss and some loving soppy things!!!

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