Does anyone actually know the answer to this question?
I'm still trying to figure this out, for as i can see from the life experience i've had so far it just all seems to be a life full of unhappy people, wars, pain, tears and heartbreak!
Yes sure there is joy to but it's generally short lived before something or someone comes along to ruin it all!
If any of you have any theories on this then do have you your say and enlighten me!!!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Snowtime in Spring??????

Well this morning when i woke this was the site that greeted me from my bedroom window!! I have to say i fell about laughing as to be fair it is suppose to be spring! But then i thought more of it and said to myself this is England why should today be any different from any other he he!!

So what to do other than to throw on our coats and head out to enjoy the snow as i like i say it's England and we don't know how long it's going to last for!!!

Once outside what to do?........... Other than to have the best snow fight we could and build a snowman of course!

If you look close enough you might just be able to see that as we had no carrotts Stephanie decided to put her glasses on him and

And also the famous snow angels courtsey of Stephanie.....

We had a fab time throwing snowballs and doing just crazy stuff! After all this fun and being soaking wet it was time to come in for a nice cup of tea and dry off!! We made the most of it because we all know that it is most possible that when wake tomorrow morning it just might not be there as we all know we live in ENGLAND and anything is possible...............

1 comment:

Marrisa said...

Yippeee snow!! Havent seen any of that for AGES. My mam and dad keep sending photos of the snow at their place and its just gorgeous (although they don't feel like that!).

Love the snow angel...xx