Does anyone actually know the answer to this question?
I'm still trying to figure this out, for as i can see from the life experience i've had so far it just all seems to be a life full of unhappy people, wars, pain, tears and heartbreak!
Yes sure there is joy to but it's generally short lived before something or someone comes along to ruin it all!
If any of you have any theories on this then do have you your say and enlighten me!!!

Monday, 28 January 2008

Not much happening!!

Even though there is not much happening other than the usual daily routine of school runs and general day to day stuff i took some new photos of my gorgeous children, it's still surprises me even after 13years of being a mum just how quick kids can change and grow so we have to picture every moment of their live's now as quick and as often as you can.

Even me, i look at myself and say cor blimey girl your going to be 30 this year ( i do hate this idea mind you ) I'm not looking forward to getting another year older although i will be out celebrating it's a milestone in itself especially in my rollercoaster life!

The one child that shocks me the most is Stephanie, just how much can she change she turned 13 on new years eve just gone and i cannot understand where the time has gone one minute she was a gorgeous baby in my arms and now she is a gorgeous teenager where has the time gone? I'm confused and seriously feeling old now!

They have all changed in their own ways James hit that double figure of 10 now and with each day gets more hansome, Sophie has turned 6 and blimey don't we all know it he he, but still it's all gone so quick i miss them being babies so much, but i'm glad they are growing up to be indiviuals and with such different personalities. Sure they fight alot and and have their quarrels, but thankfully they are as close as any siblings can be and i'm so proud of them for being who they are. I just hope that this world we live in doesn't corrupt them to much i will do my hardest to make sure they don't that's for sure.

Christmas in North wales 2007!

This christmas i decided that the kids and me would spend it with my Mam and Dad in north wales being the first christmas in years that it has just been the kids and me i didn't feel i could spend it on my own.
So on the 20th of december we loaded up the car and drove to north wales, this is site we were greeted with when we arrived! We all was so chuffed to see this even at gone midnight and after a 41/2 hour journey Mam and Dad had done us proud.

This was what greeted us the following morning although being brisk and cold the skies were blue and gorgeous. A lovely fresh morning was just what we all needed after a long old journey.

Twas the night before christmas and all around the house was quiet and u could even hear a mouse or the cat Tottie, maybe even santa who knows the kids were out cold.

Christmas morning as you can imagine was hectic as any other house on this festive day, we had fun the kids were not up to early thank god! So i got busy with the camera and started snapping away and got caught myself, not a very pretty site in the morning oh well what the heck it's christmas snap away.

This is Sandra she came to stay for christmas, Sandra is one of mum's oldest friends we all call her Aunty Sandra she is fab!

So after a few strong coffees we woke up and the kids started opening their pressie's. Well just the ones from santa anyway, the rest were opened throughout the day just before the gorgeous christmas dinner that my Dad cooked and then the last of them after dinner. My Gran also came to spend christmas day with us it was an absolutly wonderful day with the family together.

We had a wonderful time at Mam and Dad's it's was the christmas i needed after such an awful year.